Master: Main Subject 2, including Individual Projects and Final Audition

Module code
Curricular domain
Practical Classes
Group size
Number of course weeks
Class duration
depending on choices. Final audition: 1 hour (for film composers this may be up to 15 minutes longer to compensate for necessary film fragments without music)
Total contact hours
depending on choices
Study load
896 hours (including contact hours)

Form / content / level

Admitted to the second year of the Master program. Concerning the final audition: students are only admitted once all the other course components have been cleared.
See Competencies Matrix.
Developing all competencies related to this module.
Developing skills to design and perform an audition in every respect at a professional and very high level.
Relation to other modules
This module is related to Individual Productions and Collective Curriculum.
Students will attend classes given by internal lecturers (ArtEZ lecturers) and external lecturers, who they will select themselves. In the individual course plan, students will indicate how they intend to use their budget for the individual main subject classes. They will discuss this with their mentor, who must give their approval. If a student is exceeding this budget, they will be liable for the additional costs.
A yearly specified part of the budget must be used for individual main subject classes and other classes relating to the student's main subject. These hours can be divided between different teachers. The minimum number of hours is nine per teacher.
If a student spends more than 36 hours of their internal budget at ArtEZ School of Music, they can then approach internal lecturers with a request for less than nine hours of classes.
After deducting all the internal classes, students will be left with a budget that is to be used externally and does not exceed a yearly specified amount of money.
With their mentor's approval, students can attend classes given by external lecturers. They will contact the lecturer of their choice, and draw up agreements concerning the number of classes and their duration. This may not exceed the available budget which means that the number of possible class hours will depend on the lecturer's rates.
The student designs and performs a public performance which lasts for 60 minutes (including scene changes). If there are very good reasons it is possible, but in most cases not advisable, to add an extra 15 minutes.
The student is artistically free to make all choices, and deals with all aspects relevant to the audition: selecting pieces, writing material, arranging pieces, choosing other band members, rehearsals, organizing instrument set-up (where necessary), stage presentation. All skills, aims and contents of the entire study curriculum are relevant to the audition. The audition is preferably held at the end of the second course year. If the student graduates at the end of the second year, such a concert takes place in a concert hall. In all other cases, the audition will take place in a classroom and no technical support will be offered.
After consulting with the mentor and the examination committee (and gaining their approval), a student can opt to include a portfolio as part of the audition.
Mode(s) of instruction
Depending on choices, but mainly individual instruction, audition.
Material & Tools
Depending on choices.
Student activity
Selection of the lecturers. Approaching the lecturers. Making appointments with the lecturers, making room reservations if applicable. Independently organizing all aspects relevant to performing the audition.

Examination and assessment

Mode(s) of assessment
The internal lecturers hold an assessment twice a year.
The external lecturer will draw up a brief report of the classes that were given.
Public audition of 60-75 minutes for a panel of three to five teachers. As a rule, two of the panel members are teachers of the student's main subject (if this cannot be arranged, two or fewer panel members are teachers of the student's main subject). Students showcase their individual skills and musical identity. The audition is usually a public concert, but can also include a portfolio. If the student graduates at the end of the second year, the audition takes place in a concert hall. In all other cases, the audition will take place in a classroom and no technical support will be offered.
Depending on choices and goals as indicated in the individual course plan. Concerning the audition: creativity, expression, improvisation, ensemble playing, interaction, harmonic possibilities, accompaniment, tonal balance, technique, sound, intonation, timing/tempo control, rhythm, reading skills, stylistic coherence, repertoire choice, set list, attitude, performance, preparation and arranging/composing.
Pass requirements
The student has completed this module if being awarded a minimum grade of 5.5 by all instructors whose classes are part of the individual course plan, at the end of the second semester. The audition must be awarded a minimum of 5.5 as well.
Examination procedure
At the end of the series of classes each instructor fills out an assessment form. Assessment is comprised of a verbal evaluation and a concluding grade. The instructor reviews this assessment with the student during the first subsequent lesson. Assessment at the end of the autumn semester is formative and expressed in terms of satisfactory/unsatisfactory. It indicates a student's progress in this module. No ECs are awarded and there is no resit. Modules can, in those cases, only be absolved, and ECs awarded, after the end of the spring semester.

Concerning the audition:
Examiners individually assess students, with the average grade being used as the final grade. The examiners hand in their assessment forms 'face-down' to the chair, who then reviews whether the assessments are sufficiently similar, i.e., whether the graded evaluations diverge no more than two points. If there are no problems in this area, the chair subsequently fills out the complete chair form, which contains, in the verbal part, a summary of the reasoned evaluations provided by the several examiners. The average grade of the examiners' evaluations is used as the final grade. In case the examiners' assessments diverge more than allowed, the chair initiates a panel discussion, and firstly asks the relevant examiners (whose grades diverge more than two points) to provide a further explanation. Subsequently the other examiners are allowed to participate in the discussion, and the chair eventually asks them to re-vote in consideration of the issues raised during the discussion. If the grades now fall within the permissible two-point range of divergence, the chair calculates the average grade of the re-vote and copies it to the chair form, under the heading of 're-vote', and this new average will serve as the final grade. If the grades are still too dissimilar, the chair also uses the average of the re-vote as final grade, adding a note on the chair form indicating why (from their perspective) the examiners were unable to find common ground.
Resit options
See the Education and Examination Regulations.

Module summary

Individual classes given by internal as well as external lecturers, focusing on the student's main subject and a final audition.